Power On Jamaica

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#TeamJPSBehindTheScenes Connects with Samontia Whyte and Na-Kaydia Webb

Look who #TeamJPSBehindTheScenes was lucky enough to bump into this week- Samontia Whyte and Na-Kaydia Webb, interns in the Corporate Communications Department here at JPS. They are two bubbly individuals who are quite lovable, yet completely opposite in character. They came to TeamJPS as part of their academic programme at CARIMAC and have happily gained more than they bargained for. We sat down for a little ‘chit-chat’ with these amazing young ladies and found out a bit more about them. Let’s take a look.

#TeamJPSBTS: Hi Samontia and Na-Kaydia! Tell us about yourselves. 

SAMONTIA: Hi Shaneika! A big shout out to the JPS team! I am Samontia Whyte, a student of the University of the West Indies, Mona. I am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC). I am from Manchester. I am an adaptable, reliable young lady and during my studies, I have partaken in community initiatives, which helped me to be well-rounded. I have a clear logical approach to problem solving. I have a passion for serving and I enjoy contributing to development of other persons. I believe that “We RISE by Supporting Others, when We BRIDGE the GAP Between Their DOWNFALL and Their UPLIFTMENT” -Samontia Whyte.


NA-KAYDIA: I am a student of the University of the West Indies pursuing a degree in Integrated Marketing and Communication. Come September I will be entering my final year. My passion lies in writing, and swimming is one of my favourite activities. I am predominantly an extrovert but depending on my environment I can also be an introvert. In the future I hope to open an organization in Jamaica that will help children who have suffered from human trafficking to get back on their feet such as providing them with psychological support and a fresh chance at an education.


#TeamJPSBTS: What’s the biggest myth about the corporate world that you’ve discovered?

SAMONTIA: I used to believe that everybody wear expensive suits to work. Starting my internship here at JPS, proved otherwise. People simply dress comfortably.

NA-KAYDIA: I heard that the corporate world is a ‘dog eat dog’ world. But since being at JPS, all I have seen is cooperation and a helping hand.

#TeamJPSBTS: What would you say is the best part about working as an intern for JPS?

SAMONTIA: The best part about working at JPS is that I actually work. I mean, why would anyone want to be at work and do not work? Some do; but, that makes no sense to me. Actually working improves one’s self. Working is the point at which you actually get to test whether you did or did not actually learn at school. So far, what I have learned at UWI has proved handy here. That’s the exciting part. I get to test every theory, put the skills I learned to work and have fun while I do it.


NA-KAYDIA: The best part about working at JPS is getting to interact with the people. Like honestly, everyone I have met so far is friendly and seem to get along well with each other.


#TeamJPSBTS: So your area of academic focus is Communications. Why did you choose that field? What were your motivations?

SAMONTIA: I think communications chose me (laughs). I actually wanted to become a Forensic Scientist or a Neurosurgeon. I think English Literature shifted my focus; that subject makes you think and question everything.  I love literature. But, I didn’t want to be a journalist. So, I said, hey let’s be a lawyer. By the time I got old enough to attend UWI, CARIMAC started offering IMC. This degree seemed quite exciting; Public Relations, Advertising and Social Marketing under one ‘roof’. So, I still applied for law and I also applied for IMC, and then, I got accepted for both, and I chose IMC.


NA-KAYDIA: When I was at Immaculate I was reading a book (I’ve long since forgotten the name.) The main character was involved in advertising and public relations and I was interested from then on, you could say. I chose to do Integrated Marketing and Communications because I know I would be good at it. I like to come up with new and creative ideas and to see them executed accordingly- whether it is in Social Marketing, Public Relations or Advertising. Just seeing everything unfold never ceases to amaze me and that’s what keeps me motivated.


#TeamJPSBTS: Your young lives can be very demanding. How do you strike the balance between school and friends?

SAMONTIA: Well, I actually don’t have a lot of friends. So that’s easy. Balancing is not hard. Once you know your priorities you are good. If I choose to attend an event that is happening on campus with my friends and I have assignments to do, I know that I have to do the assignments anyway. So, whether I choose to attend the event then do the assignments or do the assignments then attend the event, I know the assignment has to be done. It’s pretty simple.

NA-KAYDIA: I don’t think there is anything in life that can be truly balanced per say. I just believe you have to prioritise and be responsible enough to know when to say ‘no’ to certain activities that you want to participate in. My friends and I came to that conclusion from earlier on, so when it comes to school and we have work to be done, we do it and when it’s time to relax we do that too.

Samontia and other summer employees_0

#TeamJPSBTS: What’s the best advice you have ever received and how did you make use of it?

NA-KAYDIA: The best advice that I have gotten would be to stop living in regret. It makes no sense to keep looking back on something and saying “Gosh, I should have done better.” No, what’s done is done. It’s time to move on. If you can make amends then do that, if you can’t, then it’s okay to move on and be okay with that choice.

#TeamJPSBTS: What’s the worst advice you have ever received and what did you learn from it?

SAMONTIA: I haven’t received any “bad advice”– at least, I can’t remember if I did. The fact that I can’t remember would mean that that advice would have been insignificant. The truth is, I am intrinsically motivated. I always take the time out to give myself advice. I write quotes on sticky notes, paste them on my wall, read one every morning and I am good to go. Other than that, my mother always tells me to remember myself. I think she ensures she tells me that, because she knows I have a problem with saying no. What I have learned is that, I should set aside time for myself, before I allocate time from my day for other individuals (that is still a challenge); because, when you’re an individual who typically wants to be selfless, it’s hard. So, guess what I do know?! I wrote on a sticky note “#notetoself BE SELFISH”. I read that every morning. It helps.


#TeamJPSBTS: What do you enjoy doing with your family?

NA-KAYDIA: There is always something or someone to celebrate in my family. And each event comes back to back so I’m always very involved. We are always planning a trip to go somewhere or planning a big cook out. It’s fun. So you can say I like to celebrate with my family.

#TeamJPSBTS: If you could go back and do something differently, what would that be?

SAMONTIA: Well, I wouldn’t do anything differently. Life has taught me that changing the past will affect the future and I am happy with where my life is. The past has taught me things I need to know, so I’m good.

NA-KAYDIA: I would change nothing. I don’t have anything I wish I could go back and do differently. Why go back when you can move forward and improve yourself or be better at something?


 #TeamJPSBTS: What might someone be surprised to know about you?

SAMONTIA: Everyone would be surprised to know that I’m shy. I do what needs to be done; but, I am shy.

NA-KAYDIA: It may be a surprise that I wrote a book when I was in seventh grade, it was that point in time when most persons were excited about the Twilight saga. I posted it on the internet and the comments I got were really motivating. I am currently writing my second book. It’s a different style of writing and I would like to have this one published via an agency.

#TeamJPSBTS: What words of wisdom do you live by?

SAMONTIA: “We RISE by Supporting Others, when We BRIDGE the GAP Between Their DOWNFALL and Their UPLIFTMENT” -Samontia Whyte.


#TeamJPSBTS: What’s the first thing you would do if you won the lotto?

SAMONTIA: I probably won’t ever win because I won’t buy the ticket. But, say I actually won, I would definitely start my foundation. That is my dream – starting my foundation. After that, I suppose I would do some investments.

NA-KAYDIA: I would invest the money. Honestly, that’s what I would do.

|Photography & Interview by Shaneika Lee, Social Media & Online Communications, TeamJPS




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#TeamJPSBehindTheScenes Connects with Dwayne Smith

It was a day filled with laughter and the “upside of things” when #TeamJPSBehindTheScenes had a sit down with Accounting Clerk here at #TeamJPS, Dwayne Smith.  “Bertie” as we call him, is known to all who has ever worked with him as a workaholic, or the guy who will go the extra mile to deliver. With a genuine work ethic, and the determination to reach higher heights, Dwayne is re-imagining his energy to be more than average. Let’s hear his take on work and life.


#TeamJPSBTS: Hello there Dwayne, Tell us about yourself.

DWAYNE: Hello! I am Dwayne from the Parishes of St. Catherine and Clarendon. I am someone who enjoy a good laugh and a great time once it is possible financially. I consider myself a team player, an exceptional worker, and sometimes a philanthropic being. I love to sing and would like to think that I would have been better at the craft had I pursued voice training lessons after leaving the Glenmuir High Festival Choir and the University of the West Indies (Mona) Chorale.

In 2010, I came to JPS as a Billing Agent in the Customer Care Center and it was there that I understood what being determined truly meant, as my hard work made me advance  in less than 2 years to the Billing Adjustment Team. At present, I am an Accounts Payable Clerk in the Accounts Department.DSC_0675
#TeamJPSBTS: What’s the biggest myth about the corporate world that you’ve discovered?

DWAYNE: While it’s difficult to zoom in on any one thing, I will say before leaving UWI I would always hear people alluding to this statement:

Only if you have connections will you be able to move up the ladder within any company.

To date, I have abandoned that thought, for through experience I have come to realize it is not always the case.  Now, I steadfastly seek to expand my knowledge base to ultimately become a part of the management team. One step at a time, that’s all it takes.

#TeamJPSBTS: What would you say is the best part about working for JPS?

DWAYNE: Everything! I just love being a part of the JPS brand. It has molded my character and helped me to be the best me there is.


#TeamJPSBTS: What’s the most useful advice you have ever received?

DWAYNE: I have received numerous advice from my friends and family. However, the one that I constantly use as affirmation to boost my confidence whenever I’m overwhelmed is:

D remain humble and God will take care of the rest, because if yuh good yuh juss good. It’s not about being boastful or extra. A him mek yuh suh and a suh di ting set


#TeamJPSBTS: Which is more important to you- a good product or good service?

DWAYNE: Personally, I prefer good service, that way I’m sure I will get value for every dollar spent.

#TeamJPSBTS: Your job can be very demanding, how do you stay motivated?

DWAYNE: In every true sense of the phrase “Being Financially Independent” motivates me. Additionally, looking at the future regarding the countless dreams I want to have realized also acts as an influence on any stressful day.


#TeamJPSBTS: What do you think is the best motivator for employees?

DWAYNE: I cannot single out any one factor, but what I can say is that “the cheddar” is a huge part of the equation. Some other things that could be considered as motivation to employees are the opportunities within the organization which promote growth, belonging, job security, recognition, etc.


#TeamJPSBTS: What do you enjoy doing with your family?

DWAYNE: I absolutely enjoy spending time and taking care of my nephew. It is a joy to see him grow and thrive, he lights up my day every time. I also love family gatherings.


What’s the first thing you would do if you won the lotto?

DWAYNE: God’s trute!!! Weh yuh naah seh? If this ever came to pass, I would never allow myself to return to where I am now, as I would be certain to make sound financial decisions. With my knowledge of the financial market, I would let my money speak for me and not me for it. I would invest in any financial instrument that would yield high returns, so that in the long-run my family and I would be financially stable until the Lord takes back that which he hath lent.

I would happily give back to my alma mater “Glenmuir High” in the form of a scholarship to a student who is destined for greatness, but whose academic performance is that of average. For I too was an average performing student, but I had the right attitude towards learning and I used it to my advantage to be what I am today. I would also give back to my home church.


|Photography & Interview by Shaneika Lee, Social Media & Online Communications, TeamJPS

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#TeamJPSBehindTheScenes Connects with Rochelle Reid-James

TeamJPSBehindTheScenes is proud to introduce to the world, the beautiful, the awesome, the energetic and the most optimistic young lady you’ll ever meet- Mrs. Rochelle Reid-James. She is a Human Resource Officer here at #TeamJPS, a multi-talented ambassador and a wellness enthusiast. Rochelle is known to always make herself available to all those who need her expert advice and ideas; she is one we can call a world-class woman. Let’s get to know more about this remarkable being, as she dishes out valuable advice on how she balances life and work. 


#TeamJPSBTS: Hey there! Tell us a little bit about who Rochelle is. 

I am results oriented and one of few Jamaicans who can boast about living or working in 12 parishes.

#TeamJPSBTS: What’s the biggest myth about the corporate world that you’ve discovered? 

That everything is cut-throat; on the contrary – it is a space for you to develop and affirm your personal brand (what you are known for and your promise to those who do business with you).


#TeamJPSBTS: What would you say is the best part about working for JPS?

Being empowered, this is a word tossed about, but I came to understand how much one can benefit from being allowed to learn, grow, work and be creative.

#TeamJPSBTS: Your job can be very demanding, how do you stay motivated? 

I am member of a team that serves the workers of JPS and I like to say that we take care of the people who care for- every Jamaican; and that makes me proud, and happy to shine my JPS light.

#TeamJPSBTS: What’s the worst advice you have ever received? 

Not in these exact words but I do recall being cautioned not to become too passionate about my work because human beings are naturally ungrateful. My firm belief is if ever I am doing this job for gratitude then it is time to move on – I have to be passionate and excited about my job because it is my legacy. In the next 100 years I want to be known as the girl who created this awesome and dynamic wellness programme at JPS.

#TeamJPSBTS: What advice do you have for young people coming into the work world? 

Get a mentor – cliché yes but the right mentor can help you to position and brand yourself the right way. Also, create a legacy – at each stage, place and space in life my aim is to add value. That is the best advice I can offer at this stage in my career.


#TeamJPSBTS: We hear that you will be leaving the country for a little while. Tell us about this adventure

I will be attending the Women Ambassadors Forum in Texas. Can I tell you – I am super excited to be going to this event. Coming out of the Women In Energy conference I was still feeling the energy so I signed up to be a part of the 2016 Women Ambassadors Forum, which is a worldwide organization that arms students and young professionals with powerful tools to forge successful careers and creating leaders capable of changing their respective professional environments.

#TeamJPSBTS: It must be a wonderful feeling for you as an ambassador and doing all these great things. Share with us what you have been doing so far and the impact that you’ve had on the lives of those you’ve been in touch with?

Girlllll – that is a big question! Ok, so as youth ambassador my portfolio area is the United Nations and the great thing is that I get to choose what issues I tackle. My focus is on the Sustainable Development Goals so I have a quite a few initiatives, but I am going to tell you about my two favourite ones;

  1. #iGiveHope which focuses of giving hope to victims of human trafficking and raising awareness about how our social media practices as young people can place us at risk of being trafficked. Biggest thing done under this project was a play called #HOPE – it was great.
  2. Youth for Sustainable Development – with help from the JPS foundation, UN Delegation in Jamaica, Sagicor, NCB, Vantage One and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information we now have a mentorship programme that pairs youth leaders with influential and successful mentors. Thus far we have 22 mentors:mentees paired.

rochelle rochelle2

#TeamJPSBTS: If you could go back and do something differently, what would that be? 

Start working at JPS as soon as I left college…just kidding. I have no regrets, God has been awesome. I these amazing experiences that help to create my legacy.

#TeamJPSBTS: What might someone be surprised to know about you? 

That I am a playwright and I run a reading centre…yes I write, direct and act in plays as well as I started a reading centre in Brandon Hill Clarendon in memory of my grandmother who passed in 2011 called the Inez Maud Reading Centre.


#TeamJPSBTS: What words of wisdom do you live by? 

Matthew 6v26&28 is my favourite scripture “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? … And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin” (NIV) I never need to worry about anything, I am certainly more valuable to God than grass and birds so no doubt He is going to take care of me.

#TeamJPSBTS: What’s the first thing you would do if you won the lotto? 

Divide the funds 3 ways – charity, investment and a 2ndhoneymoon. My dream is to one day have a home/boarding school for abandoned children.

|Photography & Interview by Shaneika Lee, Social Media & Online Communications, TeamJPS

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#TeamJPSBehindTheScenes Connects with Corine McCalla

It was a pleasant encounter when TeamJPSBehindTheScenes caught a hold of Corine McCalla- Executive Assistant here at TeamJPS this week. The always bubbly, super optimistic charmer and loving friend to all, crossed our paths on her usual high. We must admit, that the phrase “dull moment” is non-existent for this happy little lady, as she is always where the party is at. She was floating by on her tippy toes when we decided to join her on the journey, as shares her thoughts on life and work.


#TeamJPSBTS: What’s up Corine?! Tell us a little about yourself.

CORINE: It is not always the easiest thing to talk about one’s self but here goes……

I have been employed to JPS since 1997 and since then, I have worked in several departments in different locations over the years.  I am yet to find a job that I did not enjoy doing.  This experience has afforded me the privilege to learn so much, not just about the jobs I do, but about the people I work with.  I am known as a trouble-maker around the department.  I love to make other people laugh and I simply love a positive atmosphere around me.  So I do whatever I have to do to make my environment full of vibes.  I enjoy taking care of the people around me and doing whatever I can to assist. I enjoy projects and planning fun activities.  I’m at my best when a project or a plan is complete.  That sense of accomplishment is a reward in itself.

#TeamJPSBTS: What would you say is the best part about working for JPS?

CORINE:  Wow..there are so many things…where do I start?  JPS affects the lives of most Jamaicans one way or another.  It is a dynamic company, things are ever changing and there is always something exciting happening.  One of the best part of working here for me is being a part of that change and making a difference in the lives of our customers. We may not all work on the front line and interact directly with external stakeholders, but whatever we do inside, still has an effect.


#TeamJPSBTS: What do you find most challenging about your job?

CORINE:  The most challenging thing about my job is usually balancing all the different things I have to do.  So often you start doing a particular task and you are constantly interrupted to deal with a myriad of others things that needs to be done.  But you find a way to get it done even if it means staying late when the phone stops ringing so you can concentrate.  I must admit that I love it….never boring.  Anybody who knows me knows that I don’t do boring.

#TeamJPSBTS: What’s the biggest myth about the corporate world that you’ve discovered?

“Asking for support is a sign of weakness”

CORINE:  I learned a long time ago to never pretend that you know everything.  I am never shy to ask for help.  If there is something I am asked to do that I may not have a clue how to go about it, I have a whole network of friends and co-workers who are more than willing to show me a thing or two. To me, asking for help shows strength not weakness, and is a sure sign of maturity.  Even the brightest person doesn’t know everything.


#TeamJPSBTS: If you could go back in time and do something differently, what would that be?

CORINE:  I am not sure I would do anything differently.  I have learned from all my experiences, good and bad.  Whatever I have been through in life shapes who I am today.  You just cherish the good times and learn from the bad times, and then you move right along.  Only you can determine the effect things may have on you.


#TeamJPSBTS: What might someone be surprised to know about you?

CORINE:  I don’t know that anyone may be surprised about anything about me…I consider myself an open book.  But truth be told I can be a procrastinator and I do love working under pressure.  I may do it kicking, screaming and gripping, but when the adrenaline starts pumping and my energy level kicks in a little higher, it is amazing how good it feels when stuff gets done.
#TeamJPSBTS: What do you love to do in your spare time?

CORINE:  I love to out shopping and dining with my daughter.  I also love to go out dancing with my friends.  I love hanging out with energetic people who makes me laugh.  There is such a refreshing feeling when you can hang around people with positive energy.

#TeamJPSBTS: What words of wisdom do you live by?

CORINE:  “A little bit of insanity keeps you sane” This is my mantra. Trust me on this one.  You can’t go around being serious and uptight all the time.  You have to let loose and go crazy sometimes, and just breathe.  Find something that makes you laugh, and hang around people who make you happy.  In my department there are some zany young people and they are so much fun to be around.  When you get stressed out over anything, just find time to let it all out.


#TeamJPSBTS: What’s the first thing you would do if you won the lotto?

CORINE:  If you don’t have a ticket you don’t have a chance.  I don’t buy lotto tickets so I may never know what that feels like.  But if I should buy it one day and actually win, the first thing I would do is ask my daughter what I should do because I would be freaking out lol.

|Photography & Interview by Shaneika Lee, Social Media & Online Communications, TeamJPS

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#TeamJPSBehindTheScenes Connects with Kevin White

This week #TeamJPSBehindTheScenes ran into Kevin White- Foundation Administrator here at #TeamJPS and all-rounder to his peers, friends and family. With his witty persona, warmth, and enthusiasm to help all who calls, Kevin is highly passionate about giving back to the community- especially as it relates to the youths.  There is never a doubt in our minds that this young man will be touching lives with his energy! Let us take a peek into his world as he shares his story with us.  


#TeamJPSBTS: Hi Kevin, Tell us a little about who Kevin is.

KEVIN: I am Kevin White, a 24 year-old football enthusiast, avid domino player and a kid at heart who loves to play Mortal Kombat (Nintendo 64). I am also very passionate about research and innovation, and I see these as the driving force for development. My passion for these has led me to represent my alma mater, the UWI, twice in international competitions. The teams of which I was a part placed third both times, but I am grateful for the experience. I graduated from the UWI with a BSc. In Management Studies (with specialization in Tourism Management), and I am a Governor General ‘I Believe Initiative’ Ambassador, having been nominated for the Governor General’s Programme of Excellence in 2014. I enjoy volunteering and generally just giving back as much as I can.

#TeamJPSBTS: What would you say is the best part of working for JPS?

KEVIN: Being a team member of the JPS Foundation has been very exciting so far! To me, the best part of my work is sharing in the lives that we are able to impact. It is an awesome feeling to travel to different communities around the island and talk to individuals who have been touched in some way by this company. It could be a job fair, supporting a school, or helping people to better themselves – JPS is doing a great job! Hearing and seeing the difference this company makes is the BEST part about being here.


#TeamJPSBTS: Your job can be very demanding. How do you stay motivated?

KEVIN: My biggest source of motivation is from God. Each day, I pray that I am better and that I do better than the day before, according to His will. The future motivates be because it is so uncertain. Uncertainty can be scary, but it fuels my engine because I am constantly reminded of why I must always give my best when I become involved in anything. It also helps me to welcome change, which is the very foundation of our world. (Yes, very ironic!)


#TeamJPSBTS: What advice do you have for young people coming into the work world?

KEVIN: Never try to fit in. Each individual brings something unique to the table. Embrace what you can bring. Keep and use your own ‘uniqueness’.

#TeamJPSBTS: If you could go back and do something differently, what would that be?

KEVIN: I would definitely take track and field more seriously. For three consecutive years of high school, I was recruited for the track team, but I didn’t take it seriously. So yes, I would change that.


#TeamJPSBTS: What might someone be surprised to know about you?

KEVIN: People would be surprised to know that I write poems, do spoken word, and write songs. In fact, I was a part of a small music group in my early teens, and we ‘toured’ schools and other youth groups in Jamaica. I also love to play netball (and was very good at it). Finally, I love to cook. My family jokes that I excel at cooking anything with pasta in it!


#TeamJPSBTS: What words of wisdom do you live by?

KEVIN: “Life is a blank canvas waiting to be painted, not a painting to be watched.” That is a reminder to LIVE your life by action, rather than taking a spectator’s role. If you want something, work towards it. – Kevin White

|Photography & Interview by Shaneika Lee, Social Media & Online Communications, TeamJPS

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#TeamJPSBehindTheScenes: Simbarashe Nkrumah

Look who #TeamJPSBehindTheScenes caught up with this week; Simbarashe Nkrumah- Accounting Assistant in our Corporate Accounting Department. We got a hold of him just in time to briefly steal him away from the hard working clutches of accounts. Simba, as we call him, is a breath of fresh air to anyone he comes in contact with. He’s an avid sportsman, humble, extremely polite and the perfect gentleman. With all this positive vibration, we just had to get inside his world and learn more about his thoughts on life and work.


#TeamJPSBTS:Hi there Simba! Tell us a little bit about yourself? 

SIMBA: Hi I’m Simbarashe Nkrumah, I was born and raised in Zimbabwe and I have been living in Jamaica for approximately 14 years. 13 of these years, I have been employed to JPS.

I am a God fearing man who enjoys playing or watching any sport and I appreciate people for who they are and strongly believe that everyone has a unique purpose to fulfill on this earth.

#TeamJPSBTS: Please tell us; what’s the meaning of Simbarashe Nkrumah? Where did it originate?

SIMBA: The name Simbarashe means The Power Of God” and it’s originated  from the Shona Tribe in Zimbabwe. Not sure what Nkrumah means lol.

#TeamJPSBTS:What would you say is the best part about working for JPS?

SIMBA: Over the years I have seen the many changes and growth within JPS. Based on the company’s dedication and focus to serving customers and developing Jamaica, I can say I appreciate having a ‘voice’ and being able to give my feedback for improvements, and overall be able to do my part within the company to build the JPS brand.


#TeamJPSBTS:What do you find most challenging about your job?

SIMBA: In my accounting department there are specific periods of the month or year when the work load significantly increases. One of the main challenges involves time management and managing expectations, i.e. to meet the daily demands and requests from all other departments or team members at the same time.

#TeamJPSBTS:What’s the biggest myth about the corporate world that you’ve discovered?

SIMBA: Myth: ‘Your co-workers are your competitors’. It has been frequently said that in order to be successful in the corporate world, it is at the expense of your co-workers. In other words, survival of the fittest. I have proven that this is just a myth and that being supportive, collaborative and commending your fellow co-workers along with giving credit where credit is due, assists with team cohesiveness, which also builds you as an individual. As an added bonus, it actually demonstrates your leadership skills.


#TeamJPSBTS:If you could go back in time and do something differently, what would that be?

SIMBA: I would go back and not to doubt myself when career or other positive opportunities presented itself.

#TeamJPSBTS:What might someone be surprised to know about you?

SIMBA: It will definitely be a surprise to know that I was raised a Rastafarian for the first 6 years of my life.


#TeamJPSBTS:What do you love to do in your spare time?

SIMBA: Volunteering. My wife and I make an effort on a yearly basis to provide support to the Missionaries for the Poor (Downtown) by collecting cash and kind from our family and friends.

Also when I do have the time, I meet up with friends to watch local/international football and cricket matches.

#TeamJPSBTS:What words of wisdom do you live by?

SIMBA: “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”

                                                                                                               -Mahatma Gandhi


#TeamJPSBTS:What’s the first thing you would do if you won the lotto?

SIMBA: If I won,the first thing I would do, is take my wife on a trip back to my home town in Zimbabwe and tour the whole continent of Africa from Cape Town to Cairo.


|Photography & Interview by Shaneika Lee, Social Media & Online Communications, TeamJPS

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#TeamJPSBehindTheScenes Connects With Janoi Taylor

#TeamJPSBehindTheScenes caught up with Janoi Taylor, a Customer Service Representative at our Ruthven Office. Always armed with a smile, this young lad is full of energy and has a passion for delivering quality service to our customers. Let’s get to know him as he shares with us his thoughts on life and work.


Hey Janoi, Tell us a little bit about yourself.
Hi, I’m Janoi Taylor, I am 23yrs of age, and I’m a dedicated worker here at #TeamJPS (Ruthven Rd). I live with my mother and little brother in a humble Christian home. I am cool, easy going, and talkative. I love to play football, give advice, laugh and give jokes.

I’m a graduate of the prestigious St. Georges College then Excelsior Community College, where I studied Computer Science.  It took me a year after high school before I started to settle into my studies and be more focused on what I really wanted to achieve. I guess that year taught me maturity. I later applied to The National Youth Service where I was graced with the opportunity to work among Jamaica’s finest Customer Service Agents.


A true people person Janoi understands the value of excellent service- not only when he is giving it but receiving it as well.

What would you say is the best part about working for JPS?
The best part about working for JPS is the wide variety of personalities I get to meet on a daily basis. I love the opportunity for growth in the industry as well as the networks I build on a daily basis. It’s also always a pleasure to assist our customers and see the appreciation on their faces when they are pleasantly satisfied. The feeling I get from that is comparable to the joy you feel when you’ve won something that you worked very hard for.

What’s the most useful advice you have ever received?
Most useful advice would be to be myself and it’s to “always aim high”. Many a times I’m told this little phrase, “it’s not where you start, but it is how you finish”. It’s a saying that I believe every young graduate should have in the fore front of their minds. I would also advise new graduates to try their hand at The National Youth Service and to be open-minded as you don’t always end up in the field you studied in. I’m a prime example as I did I.T. and I’m currently working in Customer Service.

Which is more important- a good product or good service?
Imagine purchasing your favorite fast-food sandwich but the cashier gives you a bad attitude and the person handing you the sandwich throws it at you. Would you really want take it much less to truly enjoy it? A good product speaks for itself but a really good service makes any product greater.

What do you think is the best motivator for employees?
Everyone has their own means of motivation. Waking up and coming to work to assist customers, and have them walk away feeling satisfied of the service provided and brandishing a smile is always a plus for me.


What’s the first thing you would do if you won the lotto?
If I were to win the lotto, I would make a budget as to how every cent will be spent. Firstly I wouldn’t have been here without my mother’s sacrifice. So my initial intention would be to buy a house for her, a back yard dream farm, and get her a personal driver. I would also buy myself a house and a car, invest in some stocks as the money must be sustained, and I would help my family.

Photography by Tricia Williamson & Interview by Shaneika Lee, #TeamJPS.

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#TeamJPSBehindTheScenes Connects With Recordo Green

Meet Recordo “Southie” Green, Meter Reader here at #TeamJPS. He’s a sportsman, team player and a proud family man. We caught up with him recently and had an amazing chat. Recordo shared with us what it’s like being a member of the JPS family as we get to know him some more….


Hey! Tell us a little bit about yourself Recordo.

I am a son, brother, father, uncle and a friend who has gone through some rough patches in my 37 years of life but still remain positive. I love sports and you may see me at any sporting event which may include football, cricket, tennis or even netball. But I must say, my favourite sport of all is football, whether watching or playing. Not many may know this about me, but I was a part of the Jamaica National Football Team for the Under-12, Under-14, Under-17 and Under-20 squads. They were all exciting experiences that I’ll always treasure. After graduating from St. George’s College, I entered JPS as an Archiving Clerk at the Knutsford Boulevard location. I later moved to the Meter Reading Team because of my desire to work in the field.

What would you say is the best part about working for JPS?

The best part about working at JPS is conducting field work as it enables me to interact with our customers. This has allowed me to bring solutions to disgruntled customers, because as a Meter Reader we’re always considered the ‘face of the company’ as well as the ‘eyes and ears of the company’.


As a Meter Reader, Tell us the most challenging aspect of your job.

As a meter reader, I frequently encounter various dangers on the job and these dangers have created challenges in obtaining meter readings. Sometimes we even encounter verbal abuse which we have to ignore and remain focused to the task at hand.

What’s the best advice you have ever given someone?

Never give up. It’s always rough before it gets smooth.

Who is your role model and why?

As an avid football fan, and of course a football player, it is natural that my role model would be from this field. Neville “Bertis” Bell, my former St. George’s coach, is one who I admire for his commitment and dedication to molding football players. He was not only a coach but a great teacher. I also admire my older sister, who has taught me some important values of life that I live by to this day.

Which is more important- a good product or good service?

An excellent service can outweigh the quality of any product. I have experienced superior service for a not-so-good product and it almost erased the memory of the product experience.


Your job can be very demanding, how do you stay motivated?

My life experiences have developed my self-motivation attribute. I stay motivated because I love what I do and I always challenge myself to obtain 100% meter reading.

What do you enjoy doing with your family?

I enjoy watching movies and indulging in comedic activities. I love to laugh.

What’s the first thing you would do if you won the lotto?

I would take a family trip to my dream location of Dubai.


Dubai | Contributed Photo

Photography by Tricia Williamson & Interview by Shaneika Lee, #TeamJPS


#TeamJPSBehindTheScenes Connects With Ruthlyn Johnson

Look who #TeamJPSBehindTheScenes finally caught up with! The bold, the beautiful, the “Ms. Got All Things In Check”– Ruthlyn Johnson, Corporate Communications Officer at #TeamJPS. We sat down with one of our top communications professionals this week at CannonBall Cafe in New Kingston and she shared with us her insights on life and business. Check out all she has to say in our one-on-one…

Ruthlyn Johnson, Corporate Communications Office/ Producer- JPS TV, #TeamJPS

Ruthlyn Johnson, Corporate Communications Officer/ Producer- JPS TV, #TeamJPS

#TeamJPSBehindTheScenes: So tell us a little bit about yourself, how long have you worked at JPS and what do you do here?
Ruthlyn Johnson: I am a fun loving, happy, country girl at heart, who don’t take myself seriously, love to dance, love people, hate injustice, consider myself an effective communicator, a stickler for good customer service, would love everyone to reach his/her full potential, proud of the fact that I speak Sign Language and I am thankful to be here today… NOW….to impact the lives of others!

I have worked at JPS since late 2002 and I have never had a dull day on the job. I am convinced there is no place as dynamic and exciting as this company!

What do I do? Let me see…. everything except actually operate a turbine to make power?….. I am kidding… but seriously, my core function here at JPS sees me playing many roles. So I am one of the communication specialists in the Corporate Communication Department and that means it is my job to keep both the internal and external stakeholders of JPS connected and “in the know.”   The many avenues and places where that takes me is unbelievable, but at the end of the day my goal is to establish, build and maintain positive relationships between the company and the various stakeholder groups.   These groups are diverse and include but are not limited to: the employees, the leaders/management team of the Company, customers, the media, community groups, students, business leaders, opinion leaders etc.

#TeamJPSBTS:What part(s) of your job should we be most jealous of? What do you love most about it?
R.J.: You should be most jealous of the fact that my job is exciting! It’s dynamic! It’s fun! It allows me to be creative and express myself, be crazy and get away with it! And every day is different!

What I personally love about my job is the dynamism…. today I am writing the copy for an advertisement, tomorrow I am an interviewer, getting information from a team member,  the following day I am the interviewee educating customers, then I am the Producer/Presenter on the exciting JPS TV show, In Di Loop, then I am  behind a camera taking pictures of an event, or even operating a video camera, then I am coaching colleagues in preparation for an interview, or providing counsel to the Company’s Leaders on a matter, then I am the Emcee for a function, the Coordinator for a Special Event such as a 5K Trek to the hills,  developing a communication campaign for a particular product or project, managing a crisis etc.…..(runs out of breath) you get my drift?  Did I say exciting?


The In Di Loop Crew happily playing around following another successful episode of the show! From L-R: Ruthlyn Johnson, Tricia Williamson, Shenee Tabannah, Audrey Williams and Ackeena Drummond, (former intern) from the Corporate Communications Department.

#TeamJPSBTS: You went to Belize this year and attended an industry conference, do tell us more about that experience?
R.J.:It was a very fulfilling experience, as it afforded me the opportunity to rub shoulders and share ideas with some of the best communicators in the utility industry in the region. One thing that stood out was the fact that despite our own personal views of our efforts here at JPS, these individuals were very impressed with the work we have been doing and our communication efforts were seen as trendsetting and work that should be emulated. It was also refreshing to find out that we share similar challenges to the utilities across the region and so we can share Ideas to resolve these issues.

One of the best takeaways from the conference was that I created a whatsapp group of regional utility communicators who now speak to each other everyday, sharing ideas, providing counsel and just developing a deeper bond among each other that can only serve to make us better communicators so that our stakeholders can reap the benefits.

#TeamJPSBTS: When did you realize that you wanted to work in communications?
R.J.:In primary school, my teachers used to carry on about my compositions and my poems and they told me that when I wrote, one could easily be transferred into my stories because they were so graphic and powerful! I then started to believe that I clearly had a knack for effectively using words to share an idea or thought with others.  I then started to think I should probably become  a journalist.  That is how I eventually ended up at the Caribbean School of Media and Communication (CARIMAC), and the rest is history.

#TeamJPSBTS: What’s the biggest myth in business that you have discovered?
R.J.:The biggest myth I discovered in business has to do with the concept of multitasking.  While in school you hear the term being bandied about but you feel deep down inside that there are various people in an organisation with responsibility for specific roles. It therefore comes as a little surprise sometimes when you realise how much multitasking you actually have to do.  You must be prepared to take on many roles and be a quick learner as you sometimes don’t have any time to get up the learning curve.  You have to be learning on the go.  A positive attitude and confidence in yourself become key in situations like these.

#TeamJPSBTS: Three secrets to staying motivated at work?
R.J.:3 secrets to staying motivated at work….
1.    Love what you do
2.    Know and appreciate that no bad situation lasts forever
3.    Be self-motivated and comfortable with yourself… this gives you the power to deal with the down days, dust off and “wheel and come again”

And wear a smiley pin…. it keeps others smiling and wondering what you are up to….(smile)


Ruthlyn enjoying her delicious strawberry smoothie at CannonBall Cafe in New Kingston!

#TeamJPSBTS: What type of leader are you?
R.J.:I am a participative leader. Whenever I am leading a team, you can find me right there with my team getting my hands dirty, getting the job done, feeling what they are feeling and sharing in the ups and downs of the task firsthand.

#TeamJPSBTS: Who has inspired you the most?
R.J.: My mother….. she is the strongest woman I know to date. A lady who just kept going through adversity, without complaining, quietly fighting against the odds and the challenges that life presented. Right down to her last day on this earth she remained dignified and stayed above it all…reminding me that no matter what life presents I need to just press on and continue towards my goal without complaining and feeling sorry for myself

#TeamJPSBTS:What’s been the best career advice you have received?
R.J.: An uncle of mine once told me that if I want to be an eagle I can’t hang out with ground doves!


As one of Jamaica’s top media professionals, RJ is always connected with her mobile.

#TeamJPSBTS: Name one thing that people would be surprised to learn about you?
R.J.: That I am a total softie when it comes to injustice being meted out to children. I consider that as adults it is our duty and responsibility to take care of children as they are so innocent and trusting and impressionable and so I get seriously upset and deeply troubled when I hear and see all the atrocities that some children suffer. I feel that maximum punishment must be meted out to these offenders of the innocent!

And if I can add a second….People who don’t know me well and think I am a city girl may be surprised to know that if given the chance I will eat sugar cane by peeling it with my teeth, use my fingernails to peg an orange, roast cashews and break them open with a stone, climb a mango tree or stone the life out of one to get mangoes that I love so much and if the water crisis gets any worse in Kingston I will not be afraid to carry water since I was an expert at doing that while growing up…. that accounts for the carriage by the way… that was life’s Finishing School at its best!

#TeamJPSBTS: For young professionals reading this, do you have any words of advice?
R.J.: In thinking of your career choice, look carefully at where your strengths are and identify what you are passionate about. It is not a joke that the clichéd statement exists, “If you do what you love, you never work a day in your life’.  When you do what you love, you roll through hard times on the job with ease as you remain intrinsically motivated.

Also make an effort to do something impactful in your job everyday or every week if that’s too ambitious. It challenges you to stay cutting edge and on top of your game, and of course there are benefits to be gained from “shining bright like a diamond.”

Photography by Tricia Williamson, Social Media Manager, JPS

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More #BannaBags Coming…

MORE schoolchildren across the island are to benefit from the collaborative effort of the HEART Trust/NTA and the Jamaica Public Service (JPS) with the manufacture of additional ‘bannabags’ and pencil cases.

(From left): Executive Director of the HEART Trust/NTA, Dr Wayne Wesley; JPS President & CEO, Kelly Tomblin; Chairman of the JPS, Jin Won Kim; and former president of the Association of Korean residents in Jamaica, Young Ki Moon watch attentively as Shelly-Ann Allen, former HEART trainee now full-time employee of the Garmex HEART Academy, demonstrates how the ‘BannaBag’ is made.

(From left): Executive Director of the HEART Trust/NTA, Dr Wayne Wesley; JPS President & CEO, Kelly Tomblin; Chairman of the JPS, Jin Won Kim; and former president of the Association of Korean residents in Jamaica, Young Ki Moon watch attentively as Shelly-Ann Allen, former HEART trainee now full-time employee of the Garmex HEART Academy, demonstrates how the ‘BannaBag’ is made.

The second phase of the partnership was cemented at a ceremony held recently at the Garmex HEART Academy in Kingston. Garmex will produce 1,000 bags and pencil cases, which the utility company will donate to students in various communities.

The main raw material for the ‘bannabags’ is used vinyl banners which are converted into attractive, sturdy, waterproof bags. All the bags are made from 100 per cent recycled material.

Executive Director of the HEART Trust/NTA, Dr Wayne Wesley, welcomed the initiative and praised the JPS for its creativity in extending its corporate social responsibility programme for the benefit of the youth.

“This public-private venture is timely, as some parents are in dire constraints to adequately equip the children for school. Our children’s development is crucial to Jamaica’s development and by providing something so basic, yet essential, we contribute to the nation’s upkeep while fostering the sustainability of our environment,” said Dr Wesley.

Joo Ok Chang, CEO for the Korea East West Power Company, a major shareholder in the JPS, said his company was pleased to be involved in the initiative and pledged continuous support for the programme. Chang was accompanied by executives of his company and the JPS on a tour of the Garmex Academy and shown first-hand how the ‘bannabags’ are made.

President and CEO of the JPS, Kelly Tomblin, said the ‘bannabags’ project promoted environmental preservation while filling an important need. She also had high praise for the production employees at Garmex who are manufacturing the products.

“To witness someone weave something out of nothing is simply fascinating. To be able to do this as a skill should not be taken for granted. This project clearly shows that we have a wide array of important skills in Jamaica and these should be highlighted and expanded as we continue our journey to economic stability,” Tomblin said.

Source: Jamaica Observer